Advancing Ecumenism And InterFaith Dialogue

Advancing Ecumenism and InterFaith Dialogue Supporting building Fraternity between all Faiths Fostering fraternal relations between the Catholic Church, other Christian denominations and other Faiths is an important priority of the pontificate of Pope Francis. It was also adopted as one of the four key ‘pillars’ or objectives of the Galileo Foundation at its launch inContinue reading “Advancing Ecumenism And InterFaith Dialogue”

Talitha Kum

Combatting Human Trafficking – Talitha Kum The Galileo Foundation Is Extremely Proud Of Our Partnership With The Network Of Religious Sisters Who Comprise ‘Talitha Kum’. The Galileo Foundation is extremely proud of our partnership with the network of religious sisters who comprise ‘Talitha Kum’. They are over 2000 in over 70 countries throughout the worldContinue reading “Talitha Kum”

Organ Trafficking

Organ Trafficking The Galileo Foundation Sponsored The First Major International Conference On Organ Trafficking. The foundation had its proud origins in its support for the Pontifical Academies of Sciences and Social Sciences, a collaboration which is still strong today. Their Chancellor, Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, was tasked by the Holy Father with spearheading the Pope’sContinue reading “Organ Trafficking”