We work towards a fairer world for all God’s children.
The Galileo Foundation seeks to strengthen the mission and the capacity of the Catholic Church, to support initiatives of the Holy See and the apostolic mission of His Holiness Pope Francis.
Our Projects
Combatting Human Trafficking – Talitha Kum
The Galileo Foundation is extremely proud of our partnership with the network of religious sisters who comprise ‘Talitha Kum’. They are over 2000 in over 70 countries throughout the world of many different congregations and denominations who are dedicated to working with victims and survivors of trafficking.

The Holy Land
In the ongoing turbulent situation in the Middle East, it is difficult to maintain a semblance of normal life. This is especially true for children and young people who have witnessed horrific events and often forgotten what normal life looks like.

Pontifical Academies Of Sciences And Social Sciences
The Pontifical Academies of Sciences and Social Sciences are two independent bodies within the Holy See which exist to further the pursuit of knowledge in a number of scientific areas through the expertise and engagement of its members, some of the world’s most respected academics who advise the Pope on matters of science and social science.

Organ Trafficking
The foundation had its proud origins in its support for the Pontifical Academies of Sciences and Social Sciences, a collaboration which is still strong today. Their Chancellor, Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo, was tasked by the Holy Father with spearheading the Pope’s initiatives to find the ‘moral crime’ that is human trafficking. However, the Holy Father also asked the Pontifical Academy to examine the equally distressing practice of organ trafficking around the world.

The Papal Observatory
A request to the foundation from the Vatican Museums to help restore the oldest telescope at the Papal Observatory resulted in a grant being given in February 2018 by the Galileo Foundation.

The Pontifical Swiss Guard
One the foundation’s first initiatives in 2017 was the sponsorship of an exhibition ‘The Swiss Guards – A Private View’ about the noble history of the Pontifical Swiss Guard. Founded in 1506 the corps is one of the oldest and smallest armies in the world.

The Vatican Museums
The Vatican Museums are one of the greatest repositories of art and culture in the entire world. With its origins firmly rooted in papal patronage, founded by Pope Julius II in 1506, it not only displays many of the greatest masterpieces of art but its rooms were the working studios of some of the world’s greatest artists, Michelangelo and Raphael to name but two.

Advancing Ecumenism And InterFaith Dialogue
His Holiness Pope Francis presenting the gift of a crozier, commissioned by the Galileo Foundation, to His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury

Faith work in Pakistan
The Galileo Foundation has supported the Missionary Society of St. Columban in the completion of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, which is the preliminary section in the Missal dealing with the Eucharistic theology, rubrics and explanations of the various parts of the Mass and objects used in the celebration of the Mass.
“I would like principally to emphasize your contribution to raising awareness of the plight of those who suffer from poverty and exploitation, especially those entrapped by the deadly crime of human trafficking.”
POPE FRANCIS addressing the trustees and benefactors of the Galileo Foundation, 8th February 2019.’
Faith & Philanthropy
The Galileo Foundation launched the inaugural ‘Faith and Philanthropy Summit’ in October 2022 in the Casina Pius IV in Vatican City with the approval of His Holiness Pope Francis and participation of Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Pope’s Secretary of State, and Cardinal Peter Turkson, chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. October 2024 sees the second Summit take place at Blenheim Palace, gathering the world’s leading philanthropists to explore the theme ‘Peace and Philanthropy: Healing Our Common Home and Each Other’.

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Help God’s Embrace Reach More People.
The Galileo Foundation is a community of faith-based donors and benefactors who believe in the mission of Pope Francis and the Catholic Church to tackle inequality, rescue and rehabilitate victims and survivors, protect our planet and offer a voice to the voiceless and those who are marginalized in our society.